Sunday 27 July 2014

Salads on Modified Texture Menus for Dysphagia Diets

Salads on modified texture menus are rare. However, with a creative approach they can be offered as part of menu variety. I came to these ideas when I was asked to come up with some picnic recipes for purée diets in long term care suitable for outings. The provision of refrigerated transport boxes was assumed, as the special mouth feel in some of the items comes from using gelatine, and the mousses also need cool storage.
Batch preparation is necessary for kitchen efficiency and many of the items are suitable as part of normal, soft , minced and moist and smooth purée diet salads. The jellied items are mixed with pureed vegetable to avoid the fast melt in the mouth. The amount of gelatine used is reduced to create a soft jelly rather than one with bounce.
At the time we used 125g plastic pots to place the transportable meal items in, but obviously for efficient plating and variety in shapes, vessels available in the work place can be used. Ramekins of various sizes can be really useful. A layered product in a glass or plastic pot, using bright colours like beetroot or tomato give an attractive look.
When choosing recipes for modified texture salad items the obvious loss of the crispy crunch fresh texture needs to be replaced by a recognisable taste. This can disappear with too much mayonnaise or other creamy mixing ingredients. The jellied item for the salad vegetable as part of the meal gives a more refreshing taste.
Soft diet items as cooked vegetables or soft cooked meats/fish /chicken/legumes with sauces will have the advantage of recognition and should be encouraged as part of variety in a menu.
Super Foods for Small Appetites* has a range of recipes and information to use when creating salad menus such as Potted Beef, Frittata, Chicken and Prawn Mousselines. The vegetarian and fishy dips recipes can also be used.
A supplement is to be available soon which will give more ideas and recipes.
Happy salad menu creation.

If you found these recipes useful, and want to find out more about novel recipes for Dysphagia Diets, try one my books - either A Kitchen Manual for Preparation of Modified Texture Diets (2nd Edition) or Super Foods for Small Appetites - Home Based Modified Texture Diets

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