The aim is to understand the issues and to use the information to create attractive meals, using the ideas in combination with the experience of the carers in the home.

In addition to some background of the problems associated with Dysphagia, 'Super Foods for Small Appetites' contains 45 recipes with clear method instructions, suitability for the grades of diets used with people who have Dysphagia, and details of nutrients.
Many suggestions from an experienced Speech Pathologist have been included.
'Super Foods' draws on a very successful publication for professional kitchens creating meals for people with Dysphagia: 'A Kitchen Manual for Preparation of Modified Texture Diets' (2nd Edition).
The new book focuses on the needs of people with Dysphagia going home.
PDF format. 160 pages. Full colour photographs.
Cost: $8.99.
Cost: $8.99.
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Martin J., 2014. Super Foods for Small Appetites; Home Based Modified Texture Diets. Family Concern Publishing. Brisbane.
Bon Appetit
A printed version of the book is now available at